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Showing posts from 2014

Etsy Now Open!!! 10/25/1014

With many encouraging words from friends I finally attempting to run a store front via Etsy. Now, I now everyone and their mom has shops on Etsy. I mean why not? Its so convenient and everyone does everything with the tip of there fingertips. I have see people order toilet paper online so why not my hats to. Keeping in mind I know that I will not become a millionaire or be able to quit my day job with this shop, but I am interested to see if I can sell a few items and with Christmas coming up the extra $5 cant hurt. I am always making something whether it is a DIY craft or knitting or crochet that I have bought I storage bin to keep all of my finished projects. when ever someone has a new baby I just pull something out and have an instant gift! I love coming up with new project to mainly this store is for an excuse for me to make something new. Here are a few things that can be bought from my shop:  Santa inspired baby booties~ These boots were inspired for the upcomin...

Halloween Costumes 2014! Part 1:

So... Halloween is coming fast! With me + 2 Kids = 3 outfits!!! How am I going to do this. I love group ideas so this is what I have come up with Cat and the Hat + Thing 1 & Thing 2. Here is William's (he will be Thing 2) so far:   After this photo was taken I didnt think there was enough "hair" so I went in and brought it down a few more rows. I will be posting Wyatt's soon and I am almost finish with my "Cat Hat."   Until next time!

My First Blog!!!

So this is me entering the blogging world. I am so far behind on the internet trends! My hope is to use the social world to get my craftyness out there. I learned crochet a very long time ago from my Great Grandmother Halvorson when I was little. I played around with it throughout high school but never really got into crocheting until she passed away in April of 2013. I only wish that she should see what I do now, this is all thanks to her. I also knit but not as much as I would like to, I am still new to that world as well (since late 2012.) This week in the spirit of fall/halloween season I made up a couple of Pumpkin Hats for toddlers. So cute...   My next was going to be making Turkey Hats but I have MAJOR ADD when it coming to my crafting ideas so I started graphing out pattern charts for some of the SuperHero geeks in my family. So far I have made Green Lantern, Batman i had Superman done but I decided I didnt like it so back to the drawing board I go. ...